The Melty Misfits Series 3

The time has come! Series 2 was a great success on Kickstarter and after 3 years, we’re finally just about ready to work on Series 3 of The Melty Misfits. I’ve been talking with my printing partner, Tom at SideKick Labs, on all sorts of new things that we can include in this new series. Over the last 5 years, Tom and I have worked on 5 different trading card series. So we know what we’re doing, but we always try new things with each series.

Just like with Series 2, we’ll be funding this project via Kickstarter. Why Kickstarter? Well, the collectors that contributed last time really enjoyed it, and I really like the system that they have in place. We’re able to send updates with new info and behind-the-scenes photos that are exclusive to Kickstarter backers. We want to get lots of people involved so we can share the old-school printing processes we use and to make this the biggest and best series of trading cards ever.

If you haven’t supported a Kickstarter campaign before, here’s just a few things you should know. Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing crowd-funding platform, so if we don’t meet our goal, no money will be collected. Select the reward level you’d like and pledge that amount of money. If you’d like to add any of the “add-on” items we offer, just add that dollar amount to the pledge level you selected (we’ll send a survey at the end to make sure you get the specific rewards that you want). Keep in mind that shipping is included in your pledge, which is great. Also know that you can increase (or decrease) your pledge amount anytime before the end of the campaign (on Feb 28) so you can easily add on items, or jump to a different reward level. We encourage you to pledge as early as you can!

Click HERE to purchase.
Thank you!