In 2014, Samsung unveiled a handful of crossover projects at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. For their collaboration with Kidrobot, they designed a new platform figure called the MiWe and asked three artists to customize them (along with the watch band and Samsung Galaxy phone case). I painted the two small MiWes as two similar characters in different states; the pink characters is alive and happy, the green character undead and still happy. For the watchbands and phone cases, I thought approaching them with patterns and subtly shading was more appropriate; the big eyes would tie all of them together. For the unveiling in Las Vegas, I painted a giant MiWe; I started it in a warehouse, and then finished it live at the Samsung booth. Samsung is at the leading edge of a range of technologies, that it was an interesting juxtaposition of high tech and low tech. Conference attendees really enjoyed seeing the character come to life!